0203 861 3460 dsa@access2learn.co.uk


If you have previously been assessed by Access2Learn and need some additional support, please get in touch now to book an assessment with one of our expert assessors!

Customer Service

Our aim is to provide you with the best DSA experience and are always here to help.

Experienced Assessors

Our experienced assessors have conducted over 20,000 DSA Needs Assessments.

Make Learning Yours!

We want our students to reach their goals and unleash their full potential in education. Our brilliant assessor team will always ensure the best available support is recommended.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question about DSA? You can find answers to the most frequently asked questions by visiting our FAQ page.

My Assessment

Here you can find information about your DSA Needs Assessment, what happens on the day, what documents are required and what happens after your assessment.

Pre-Assessment Form

If you have booked a DSA Assessment with us, you will need to complete our Pre-Assessment form, which can be found here.

Student Feedback

The whole process was very friendly and put me at ease. My assessor was very helpful and this was one of the first times when somebody actually understood my condition and how it impacts on study needs. Thank you very much.

Paul Sinfield

University of Derby

I was extremely worried about my assessment but my assessor put me at ease and really made me feel comfortable. He was very understanding and non-judgemental which helped me in my communication with my struggles and needs. I’m very grateful for this service!

Hannah Robinson

Sheffield Hallam University

My needs assessment was thorough and productive, I felt very positive coming out of it having discovered there was a whole range of technology that would assist me in my future studies. Thank you Access2Learn!

Dilara Valejeva

University of Surrey

The recommendations in the DSA report have been very useful indeed and it has given me confidence that I can work effectively and maintain a good level of learning during the course of my open University degree. Thank you very much for all your support and guidance.

Martin Sinclair

Open University

“Our mission is to support learners of all ages in accessing an inclusive education and learning experience.”

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