Access2Learn are a nationwide provider of DSA Needs Assessments, and are working with StudyTech to deliver assessments across the UK for Student Finance England. You can read more about this by clicking here.
If you are a new student applying for DSA, you will need to get in touch with your Funding Body to begin the application process. We have included a list of Funding Bodies below:
Student Finance England
Web: www.gov.uk/disabled-students-allowance-dsa/how-to-claim
Phone: 0300 100 0607
Email: [email protected]
Student Finance Wales
Student Awards Agency Scotland (SAAS)
Phone: 0300 555 0505
NHS and NHS Social Work Bursaries
Web: www.nhsbsa.nhs.uk/nhs-bursary-students/contact-us
Phone: 0300 330 1345
If you have previously been assessed by Access2Learn and require any additional help or support, our team is still available to help and assist. Please visit our booking form to request an appointment, or get in touch using the contact information below:
Phone: 0203 861 3460
Email: [email protected]