0203 861 3460 dsa@access2learn.co.uk



Access2Learn DSA Centre – Bournemouth

Office 128

Oxford Point

19 Oxford Road




If you need to contact the Access2Learn administration team, we are available 9am-5pm Monday to Friday. Click here for all our contact information.

Assessments available Monday to Friday

Access2Learn DSA Centre - Bournemouth



On Arrival

Please check in at reception and let them know you are there to see Access2Learn


By Car

The closest parking to our centre is located in Madeira Road Multistorey Car Park and only a short 4 minute walk.


By Bus

Unibus U1 stops at Lansdowne, Purbeck House, which is a short 1 minute walk from our centre. More information about bus times can be found by visiting https://www.morebus.co.uk/


By Rail

Bournemouth Train Station is just a 10 minute walk from our centre.


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